What's Your Marketing Strategy For Recovery?
Be ready to think differently about what your customers want. Consumers think differently in a downturn so we need to adjust too.
After the last recession the Harvard Business Review broke consumers down into four segments – Slam On The Brakes, Pained But Patient, Comfortably Well Off, and Live For Today. The first two economize in every way. The last two don’t.
They all look at purchases in the same ways – Essentials, Treats, Postponables and Expendables. Priorities can shift – for example a treat could become an expendable.
As we go into recovery map your clients by what segment they’re in to understand where they are in terms of purchasing.
The more you can position your products and services as essential – not in the current legal sense, but in the consumer sense – the better chance you have to engage them in the near term.
Need some help with that? We’ll be happy to work with you on a strategy.